Tag Archive | Asia

A Faint Memory of Summer – Thailand

Weather in England is currently refusing to acknowledge that according to the calendar it is spring time. So, I thought I’d share a few photos from last year in Thailand.

Hello Mongolian Camels!


Weekly Photo Challenge: Solitary

August 2012, Hongerin Els, The Gobi Desert, Mongolia.

Weekly Photo Challenge: NEAR AND FAR

Weekly Photo Challenge: NEAR AND FAR

On the way to the Volcano.

Central Mongolia

Check out the weekly photo challenge under http://dailypost.wordpress.com/category/photo-challenges/

staring at the ceiling can be fun – at least when it’s the ceiling of a yurt in Mongolia

staring at the ceiling can be fun - at lest when it's the  ceiling of a yurt in Mongolia

Nomadic yurt, Central Mongolia

Dreaming of the vast Mongolian landscape? Baby Nomad in Mongolia

a dream of the vast Mongolian Landscape? Baby Nomad in Mongolia

The parents of this adorable baby gracefully invited us into their yurt for a big pot of Airag (fermented mares milk). All the while the adults were drinking the Mongolian version of beer, this little one was sweetly sleeping.

Central Mongolia, close to Kharkhorin

Leftover from lunch?

Leftover from lunch?

Pretty much anywhere in Mongolia people are leaving their trash behind, luckily in the Steppe trash mostly consist of lunch leftovers (so mutton skulls and other bones).

Near Tsenker, Central Mongolia

round rainbow in Mongolia

round rainbow in Mongolia

Just as we were walking home there was a spectacular round rainbow over the yurts in the next ger camp.
Central Mongolia

My new friend, the wooden Buddhist monk

My new friend, the wooden Buddhist monk

I found this lovely monk puppet all alone in a tiny store close to the river in Bangkok and just had to take him with me. Now he will travel the world a bit further and is kindly smiling on my typing from the top of the wardrobe.

Mini Break in Thailand: Dive into relaxation on Koh Tao

Nirvana is playing in the background, a cold bottle of Chang beer next to my laptop on the wooden table and one of my best friends M. is on the bench reading my book. While the bar is filling up with the local expats and other people waiting for the train, I am reminiscing on […]